Government Warns We Must Tackle Obesity During COVID-19

(PHE: Excess Weight and COVID-19 Insights from new evidence, 2020). Full article available here

(PHE: Excess Weight and COVID-19 Insights from new evidence, 2020). Full article available here

According to Insights from new evidence, published in Public Health England have outlined the importance of tackling our obesity crisis:

Living with obesity seriously affects people’s quality of life and their health. It increases the risk of hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers in adults (4, 5, 6).
Obesity is the second biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK with more than 1 in 20 cancer cases caused by excess weight (16). These diseases for which obesity is a risk factor are over represented in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in hospital or with more severe COVID-19 (17)
— Public Health England, July 2020

So to help us all out, I’ve put together a checklist below, to help you keep an eye on your own gut health and avoid common mistakes that can typically lead to an unhappy gut and consequently obesity:


If you feel that you or someone close to you, might need support with weightloss or you would be interested in cooking lessons to expand your repertoire of healthy and delicious food, do get in touch here and you’ll be guaranteed a response within 24hrs!