
Friday 27th- Delivery Box: You're In For A Treat.

This week we’ve got a lovely menu, covering you for breakfast, a 3-course dinner and a little extra thrown in as well!

I’m really loving the winter vibes we’re channeling here, with deeelicious morello cherries pimping up a hearty lamb dinner for 2.

For all of my fresh ingredients, I’m using top quality produce from local, independent suppliers, so ingredients is subject to availability (they normally have everything, but thought I should mention just in case!).

A part from it being extremely important right now to support independent businesses, these guys give me the BEST of the best ingredients, so you can be sure that you’ll have some top quality grub delivered to your door this Friday!

I do, of course, cater to all dietary requirements (being a qualified Nutritionist, that’s my bag), so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if needed.

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Save this for a Sunday...


I love bulk cooking to prepare myself for the week ahead.

I tend to roast lots of veg and cook some kind of ‘carb’; this week it was butternut squash, beetroot, cauliflower and a batch of quinoa.

 This week, it came to Wednesday and finishing late, I just didn’t want to think about dinner, or spend any time cooking. But look what happened… I had all the ingredients for this delicious, warming, satisfying and wholesome plate of food!

 Once prepped, the rest of the veg can be piled into lunch boxes, added to stock for a soup, added to a salad, turned into a frittata or muffins for breakfast.

**Shopping list: 2 Squash, 5 beetroot, 1 cauliflower, 1pk quinoa, 1 green pepper, 1 pk mint, 1pk feta

Note: I try and include a variety of colours in my roasting trays, as this gives me a greater variety of antioxidants to munch on.

Whatever your work schedule, eating healthily really is just about knowing what works for you. If you’d like advise on working this out, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

What’s your best way of staying food-prepared for the week ahead??